Lake Forest Resort in Eagle River, WI

Lake Forest Resort is our little slice of heaven!

Do you have a place you run to get away? A place you consider closer to heaven? This past weekend we were spoiled and fled to our small heaven, at Lake Forest Resort in Eagle River, WI. It was so needed. Even though the weather did not cooperation and bring us sunshine until Sunday morning, we had the time of our lives.

The property at Lake Forest Resort is incredibly beautiful even in the rain.

When you find a spot that speaks to you, even the rain brings beauty and wonder. The thing all of us know that spend time North of Hwy 8 in Wisconsin, is that even in the worst of “weather,” there lives a peacefulness that does not exist anywhere else.

In the cooler temperatures, the grey skies, and lakes that are still frozen, there is peace and wonder. It smells of freshness, new life, and growth. The fog that remains over each spot of cold snow as the temperatures rise, makes it not only feel like heaven, but look like it also.

The steam from the warm air and cool water was incredible!

Even though the sun was not present at sunset, you know she’s there!

As the sun starts to set when it is grey and gloomy, you still see that tone of pink as she descends to met her rest. There is a theraptutic color to the sky, the earth, and a sense of tranquility.

I hate to write too much to try to describe it. I feel like the pictures speak louder than words ever could!

We had all these plans to hike, and hike, and hike, and what we found was that the weekend found its self, in restful walks, and much needed sleep. Each time I stepped outside, I was met with the “girls,” and something more beautiful than before.

Who are the girls?

The girls are this group of whitetail deer that always seem to find you when you stay. They greet you as you arrive, say good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and also say goodbye.

This time when we dropped our keys in the drop box, as we have done countless times before, they approached me and I cried. Each time we leave I tear up.

When you love a place, like we do, it starts to feel like home. You miss it more, and more, each time. I can’t tell you how many times I have prayed for those little hearts to make it through winter. To come back to see them again feels like a big win.

If you don’t have a place you call home, check them out!

Lake Forest Resort is the best! Literally! You can stay as long or as little as you like.

They have full kitchens, fully loaded to cook in. Fireplaces to build and keep you warm. A grill to do your thing on, whatever you choose to grill. Property to explore and relax on, very little to clean up, and FULL access to the chain of lakes. It’s less than a few minutes from town, and Sue, the property manager, is as nice as they come.

You feel welcome every time you come, and you will be super sad when you leave. The kind of memories you make at a place like this, stay with you your entire life, as you can see from the dedicated benches, and plaques on the bridge that crosses the property!

Spring is on it’s way!

Next time we are up, the lakes will be open, and the sunshine will lead us! We are praying for more warmth to feed the forest, and warm the water, so everyone can enjoy the Northwoods this summer!

Life is simple if you let it be.

The clouds were out of this world Sunday morning, as if to reach out and speak to you!

Family time outside, good food, and time with the forest friends, helps you remember that.

A beautiful ❤️ will bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn’t get you.

The view Saturday morning was breathtaking. So calm and so peaceful! I literally watched the ice melt over coffee!

Have a great end to the week everyone, we are praying for warmth with you ~Amy

Saturday night was calming than Saturday morning and the pink hue of the sunsetting was incredibly calming and sweet! The lake was almoooost open! Such a change from Friday!

  1. Sandra c. Roedl says:

    Beautifully written! Describes it perfect!

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Lake Forest Resort in Eagle River, WI

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