I am following the light!

This January has been an adventure!

This January has been an adventure so far!

I have prayed more in the past three weeks than I have all year, I am ashamed to admit it but it is, nevertheless, true! On January 5th, 2024 I had my left total knee replaced. I was petrified. PETRIFIED!

I know I told you guys that I had the right one done in 2022, but this time was different, VERY different. I think the first time, I was in the nicest way possible, clueless. I had never had a major surgery in my life, and had no idea what to expect. From checking in that morning, to going home that day, I was completely clueless.

My first journey was a rough one. I was not prepared at all, for the type of pain it would entail. I also got severely behind in physical therapy. I was ignored, I believe because of the over-bookings of my first choice in therapy, AND I also believe because of my age. I was 49 at the time, and I think they thought, “she’s got this!” She doesn’t need our help as much as the older patients do.

I had no idea how tough it was to rehab a knee, all the scar tissue that would build up, what flexion and extension meant, maybe I was ignorant. I guess I was. I vividly remember the look on my surgeons face when I went in for my 2 week follow up. He said:

“Amy if we don’t get this moving in the next 2 weeks we will be back under the knife for manipulation surgery in the next month! We have one shot at this, we need to get someone who can help you!”

Then I found ATI and my human angels Beau and Gunther!

If you click above you can connect with them! If you need therapy they are your guys! I would recommend them hands down to anyone! ANYONE!

I had no idea what I was in for…but I was ready!

I remember walking into ATI and being impressed right away, the energy, MAN the energy in that small facility is unreal. Literally UNREAL! They tell me that knee surgery is the most painful there is, and the rehab is worse. It’s 2 steps forward and 4 steps back every single day. You stretch, stretch, stretch, heat, elevate, then ice. Then all over again. Once you get where you need to be it is the dreaded bike. You rock, rock, and rock until you can get your knee to go all the way around. That in it’s self is humiliating, and also the most challenging thing I have ever done.

I think I still have the video of my first tip around on the bike with my right knee. I am gonna have to find that.😩. I was so proud, and scared all at the same time. Getting around meant I had to keep going. And it was hard. So hard, and so painful!

Today is day 10 post OP and I made it around on the bike!

Last Friday Beau said to me:

Next week we get to do the bike, and it’s gonna be AWESOME!

I was like, are you crazy, the look I gave him was of ice and terror. I think the first time I didn’t even come close until week 4 or maybe 5. I can’t remember. But today I did it. I was so sore today. The back of my left leg is black, yellow, blue, all kinds of colors. All along the left side down my hamstrings, it’s swollen, and just tight. It’s a feeling I can’t explain. If any of you have ever had this done you know what I mean. I also have been working so hard at home to keep going but of course it’s never like going to see the guys.

As of today I’m over 100 degrees in flexion, 0 degrees extension and headed down the right path!

The toughest part is the long nights!

I find myself, roaming the house, doing a number of things. Crying, complaining, whining, and most of all, wondering why I can’t sleep or get comfortable. You can’t sleep on your side, everything is soar, and for some reason this time, more than last, I just can’t sleep.

Oura Ring

I bought an Oura ring to track my progress, and to help with my journey. And it’s telling me I’m getting less than 2 1/2 hours a night. Last night I finally got 4. So that is tough. But I’m only in week 2 now, so things should be getting much better, faster now! 🤞

I am typically a really good cheerleader. I was a cheerleader in school. I fill my cup, and cheer myself on. But it’s January, I love to do things, be outside, spend time hiking, shopping, and enjoying my friends and family. This has been really tough. It’s hard to plan when you can barely walk. Not leaving the house from Friday therapy, to Monday’s session is not something I am used too. I’ll stop myself there! Sorry! I am on the upswing. I am in week 2, OH OH OH OH…⬇️ 🛻


I forgot to tell you guys. Last week Thursday, the impending blizzard, sent my mom home to be safe, and me to try and get in my truck. I bought this beast last August, and I wasn’t sure how getting into a huge Bronco with 35’s and a 3″ lift was really gonna go! It’s amazing. I swing in my good leg and 💥 I’m in. Well not quite 😝 I have to finagle a little but, but it is going much better than in my old JK Jeep!

Man I love my new truck! It is so fun to drive and she killed it Friday on the way home in the start of the blizzard. I feel so safe and it really handles well. I also have never had remote start. OMG is that a game changer! I have a 2023 Ford Bronco Outer Banks Sasquatch edition! I named her Arlene after my grandmother, and Iove her so much!

I trust in the plan! I do!

I trust I did the right thing, am on the right path, and will get to the light! It’s there now, last week I couldn’t see it very well. I remember as a kid, having a really hard time some nights with all the darkness. I vividly remember seeing a long hallway that was actually longer in my head than what was actually in reality. It’s strange how you remember some fears from your childhood when you are struggling. Last week I saw that hallway again……..with that teeny, tinny little light at the end, and the never ending path.

Now I see the light again! The path is still long…..but I see the light!

This little guy has been by my side, every hour of every day since surgery. He follows me up the stairs, down the stairs, sittings by me as I’m stretching, and rubs on me when I cry, which has been a lot. I could never ask for this angel with fur to do more, or be more than he is. And I also could not do it without him.

I also want to take a second to thank my family for all their support. My mom stayed with us for 7 days. Watching her cry because she couldn’t take the pain from me, is something I never want to witness again. My husband has made countless meals, and listened to my “crazy” while I was ranting over pain, and sleepless induced insanity. I really appreciate their patience with me. I am NOT a good patient!

It’s a new week, and I’m going to be OK!

I will get there, one week at a time. I’ll check in with you guys and let you know how it’s going. Right now I want to belly up to a bar on a Friday night, order and Old Fashioned, and have some Wisconsin fish fry, and feel normal. Weird huh, the things we miss. Socializing, sitting in a normal chair, taking a shower without wrapping up my leg, and enjoying it. Getting dressed up and doing my hair and makeup without pain. It will come! I know it will, and hopefully February and March will bring some strength training and a few trips to the forest just to rest!

Thanks for being here. And thanks for your support! ~Amy ❤️✌️

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