Door County 🍒 blossom time!

Have you ever stood in a cherry orchard in springtime when the blossoms are just starting to bloom? With the sun over head, just peaking through the clouds, and shining down on just you and the tree’s. You can hear this electric buzz all around you, it sounds somewhat like electricity. It is the buzz of the small little creatures that build life, that pollinate the planet. All in a day’s work, those little 🐝 .

It’s quiet and peaceful. You can only hear the 🐝 , the breeze, and the beating of your own heart. It’s an ethereal experience. One I have only had a handful of times. And one I will treasure for all time.

The 🍒 blossoms are so beautiful!

They are bright, white, fragrant, clean, and above all everywhere. It feels like you literally walked into another world. Or just stepped off an elevator and crossed into heaven.

There is nothing like walking through an orchard, all alone, while it’s covered in new life. When I picture heaven, I see fields of flowers, rolling hills, and in my dreams there are always orchards full of fresh blooms and rainbows of color everywhere….as far as the eye can see!

Enjoy the 🍒 blossoms everyone!

I could write all day long about what an experience it was to walk in the orchards last week. I will save you all from my sappy drama, and continuous adjectives. I could live in an orchard, and be content until I leave this 🌏 .

I find so much solace in the peace that they bring. Those soft little blooms that bring hope to a world lost in social media, arguments over gun control, red vs blue, and countries fighting over land and resources! We are a greedy greedy species and have lots to learn. You can learn a lot by just walking through an orchard, or a farmers field. Being grateful for having so much more than we truly need or deserve.

If you get a chance to drive up to see Door County all covered in her glory of spring growth I would recommend you go. Take your family, your wife, your best friend and a chair. Find a spot, and breath it all in. It’s a feeling that will stay with you for a long time. One to be cherished and one to remember. I am lucky enough to be able to look back at all the pictures and be thankful for my time there, however short it was.

I hope you all enjoy ~ Amy


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Door County 🍒 blossom time!

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